Boy, yesterday was good. Today is like coming on stage to perform after Radiohead. Why bother? Nevertheless, I think we’ve got a few pieces of coolness.
Starting with 3 new photos from a press conference at Cannes. Thanks to Fanatical.
We also have several additions to the FINCA t-shirt gallery.
Okay, I think we’ve had enough photos to last a life time. Let’s now enjoy some woooords.
There’s a new political quote from Natalie in this article about Cannes. Thanks to new staff member, omgzrachel.
Portman, 26, said she would not be endorsing Obama or his rival, Hillary Clinton, but added: “I think it’s a very exciting year for our politics, that for the first time in a while we have a choice of who we like better instead of who we hate least.”
Next up are a couple quotes from Shia Lebouf, who happens to be quite the Natalie fan. I think its safe to say that natalieportman.com is superstar Shiaf Lebeouf’s one stop shop for Natalie news! Thanks to Shoe89 and Garcy.
MTV: I knew you were going to say that. When we spoke [before the release of] “Surf’s Up” at Sony, the Variety article had just come out [reporting on the “Indy” casting], and you had said that you didn’t think Indy should have a son. You said, wouldn’t it be cooler if Natalie Portman was his daughter? Do you still feel that way?
LaBeouf: As a fan, yeah, I thought it would have been cool to see Natalie Portman in this movie as the daughter, but that didn’t happen. But I was on that bandwagon. I was in the Natalie Portman fan club. I have a strange attraction to Natalie Portman.
MTV: It’s not strange.
LaBeouf: It’s not strange, is it? [We fist pound.] Get ’em! As long as you and I both feel the same way, it’s not weird.
MTV: By the way, sir: You’re good. You’re good!
gURL: Who do you have a girl crush on?
Shia LaBeouf: Girl crush? Natalie Portman.
Before I slink away into the darkness, I promised a “most embarrassing pictures” poll, but I think I’m gonna put that off till things quiet down a bit and rather make the new poll about Cannes.
And here are the results of the previous poll:
Should Natalie have made the Time and People lists?
Yes, she should have made both. 43.8% (286 votes)
She should have just made People’s Beautiful list. 43.34% (283 votes)
I think its fair enough that she didn’t make either. 9.49% (62 votes)
She should have just made Time’s Influential list. 2.6% (17 votes)