behind the camera already?

Aaaand we’re back.

Quick out the gates with some potentially big news. The website of the production company behind “NY, I Love You” lists Natalie not just as an actress in the film but as one of the directors as well. It certainly makes sense that she would want to dip her toes into the directorial pool before tackling the feature film, A Tale of Love and Darkness, but Irfan Khan has confirmed that Mira Nair shot the short that Natalie was filming earlier this month.

So what is she shooting? Who stars in it? Is she acting in her own film as well? Has it been shot yet?

Hopefully we’ll have some answers soon. I am expecting some clarification in the next few days. If true its certainly exciting news. Thanks to V4V for the heads up.

This next news item is very weird. Very. Weird.

A music boss wants to turn NATALIE PORTMAN into a pop star, after an April Fool’s Day prank created a storm of publicity.
On Tuesday (01Apr08) Rob Hitt, the head of Independent label I Surrender, circulated the false story that Portman had signed a deal with the company to make an album that was “Patty Smyth, but folksier”.

Hitt even created a forged MySpace page to accompany the tale.
And after a wave of support and interest from music fans and Portman devotees, Hitt has decided to call for the actress to try her hand at music for real.

He tells the New York Daily News, “We got so much positive feedback, let’s see what she’s got.”

Hmmm, dunno what to think about that. I think if she’s going to sing I’d prefer her to take up Beirut’s offer to sing on one of their tracks. Thanks to Shoe89 for the link.

Now we’ve got a few new Natalie images that have been added to the gallery.

Natalie in Uganda
Very pretty

And now for the poll…sigh, I really screwed the pooch on this one. At some point I messed up what match up number we were on and so now…well we have 5 winners, which sorta screws up the 2 vs 2 I had planned. So for this first poll we’re just going to make it a threesome. Everyone likes threesomes, right?

Before we get to that, here is the 5th(!!!) winning picture:
Match up #4. Which do you like?

Marie Claire 53.48% (269 votes)

Elle 46.12% (232 votes)

First semi final cominatcha!



Vote Vote Vote!

Before I bid you adieu, Gustavo sent in a couple very cool sketches. Click here and here.
