With Brothers in the can I’m sure a lot of you were wondering “what’s next?”. Well Pasha might have found the answer. Actor Irfan Khan (fantastic in A Mighty Heart and Darjeeling Limited) mentions that his next film will be with Mira Nair and that Natalie will be his co-star. The unfortunately named Kosher Vegetarian is about a strictly-vegetarian Gujarati man and a Jewish girl.
Khan worked with Nair on The Namesake, a film that I haven’t managed to see yet but which was highly praised. In fact, Natalie was almost involved in that film and they are big fans of one another so this isn’t that big of a surprise.
Now to wrap up some other odds and ends.
MSNBC has a really flattering article called “How cool is Natalie Portman?”. Thanks to Jonathan.
Aurore sent in a scan from Star Mag featuring a brief interview with ScarPo.
NY Magazine has a mixed review but Natalie and Scarlett emerge unscathed.
While Walker found this more mixed to negative review.
7 Celebrities who should get naked for the planet? Yeah right, cos a naked Natalie would save the world…oh wait. Thanks to Chris.
In case you were wondering, the quote on that beautiful French Glamour scan from Wednesdays update, was “more and more I think about retiring in the countryside or going to live in Europe”. Thanks to Marie-Charline.
Pasha has updated the Madrid Photocall gallery as well as a couple new single pics. Thanks to Jenski.

And finally, here are some more nice icons. This time from Amanda.