Boleyn’s premiere at Berlinale is just around the corner (still trying to work out what day it’ll be though), which will be a blessing because there still isn’t too much else going on.
Well, there is this new pic from Screen. Thanks to Natalie-P.

K just sent in a translation of the text on that page. It is, “I want to become a mother, but I’m afraid I will become one of those annoyingly protective types”.
I also forgot to link to this new video of Natalie talking about animal experiments in Israel. Its in Hebrew so a translation would be most welcome. Thanks to Daniel.
Below are the final specs for the upcoming Mr Magorium dvd. Thanks to Imakemloose69.
Fox Home Entertainment has officially announced Mr Magorium’s Wonder Emporium which stars Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman, and Jason Bateman. This new Zach Helm directed film will be available to own from the 4th March, and should retail at around $29.98. The film itself will be presented in anamorphic widescreen, along with an English Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround track. Extras will include a 4-part Strangely Weird and Weirdly Strange: The Magical World Of A Wonder Emporium Featurette (Zach Helm Pod, Sock Monkey Pod, Mortimer The Zebra Pod, and Lincoln Man Pod), An Eccentric Boss And An Awkward Apprentice featurette, a To Meet Eric Applebaum, Start By Saying Hi featurette, and a Magical Toy Store featurette. A Blu-ray release with identical features will also be available for $39.98.
In case you don’t watch the L Word, Natalie was mentioned several times in, I assume, a new episode. Here is what Cuddles has to say:
The Showtime lesbian drama The L Word used Natalie in a story line. One of the characters is a writer and her novel is being made into a hollywood movie and she is directing it. The character’s name is Jenny. Well, Jenny kept saying she wants Natalie Portman to play her lead character in the movie “Lez Girls” but another fictional actress is up for the role too, she doesn’t like this actress and wants Natalie in the movie, however she says Natalie passed on the movie. So of course it’s not a real movie but Natalie was mentioned several times in the episode!
In a drunken stupor, Pasha accidentally deleted one of our images. It was this photo but it was a better scan that Pasha had done herself. If you happened to save that version please mail her with it.
Finally, a cool piece of fanart from wiLL.