

Thanks to Orionsaint we now have Natalie’s gorilla doccie. It’s all kinds of cute, funny, sad and informative. Natalie is front and center throughout so Nat fans will find plenty to love, while Jack Hanna fans will surely enjoy the part where he strips off his shirt, pours honey over himself and does bicep curls.

135 MB AVI file

If you have no luck with that, try this link.

Next up, we have the first photo of Natalie from Right You Are (If You Think You Are). I feel my life has been working to the day, this day, where I can finally say, “Natalie is the one with the mustache”.

Here is another new photo of Natalie sporting a special Padme necklace. You can find more about the necklace over here…if you can overcome the font from hell.

Marina and Soraya sent in a small blurb about Natalie and Nathan not being able to get a seat at the restaurant Apizz.

Finally, if, like me, you were impressed with Natalie’s makeup at the JTN Awards and if, unlike me, you have a vagina, click the link below to read how her stylist made it happen.

Get the look.

Thanks to Pasha and Kris for the help.