Back with more Natalie goodness for you all.
Let’s begin with a nice FINCA report on Afghan Hands and it includes the following picture of Nat in Uganda. Just click to the image to view the full size. Thanks to Sonoyta.

It was expected but Mart has found confirmation via the BBC that Natalie will be partaking in Boleyn reshoots at Ely Catehdral. May I suggest some of our better looking British fans go to Ely and lay down naked on the ground, spelling out – “Yo Nat. is super cool”.
The next article is somewhat stating the obvious. Nat and Hayden’s chemistry was voted as the “least plausible” in a new poll. Aussietrooper/Clone is not going to be impressed. Thanks to Turei.
And finally, fans of V for Vendetta are also fans of…well…I’ll save the surprise. Thanks Mart.
Ciao for now