We’ve got another bumper update today so let’s get to it.
Pasha managed to get her hands on some more nicely sized pics from the Talk Radio event.
Sorry, I didn’t have time to make thumbs. Rounding off that event is another small pic from Sonoyta.

In other news, Goya sent word that before heading to NY, she was in Mexico with Gael. They were spotted attending a Coldplay concert and if your Spanish is any good, here are some reports to read.
Rounding off the news is a Natalie mention in this interview with potential spawn of Indiana Jones, Shia Labeouf. Thanks to Pot.
Finally, its time for the wallpaper poll. The wallpapers that didn’t make the final 10 will be posted tomorrow as normal fanart. I was really impressed by the response so we’ll definitely do this again soon.
And here are the results of the last poll.
What do you think of this…
Beautiful photo and Nat looks amazing 41.89% (346 votes)
I don’t like the photo nor how Nat looks 16.71% (138 votes)
Beautiful photo even though Nat doesn’t look great 15.25% (126 votes)
A full body shot would have been more…uh…beautiful? 11.74% (97 votes)
I don’t like the photo even though Nat looks gorgeous 9.32% (77 votes)
I dunno but Nat looks sleepy 4.36% (36 votes)