I intended to update the poll but I’m drawing a blank as to what the new poll should be about. Do we really need another Gael-Nat poll? Give me some ideas in the comments section and I’ll pick the best one.
Celiana has sent in Hi Res versions of those Berlin pics. Instead of posting thumbnails again, after this update is done I’ll change the links in the previous update to now link to the Higher Res versions.
Heather found a new old pic that is quite striking.

For those who don’t follow the comments section, here is an interesting nugget from Jutze (who wrote Nat’s np.com story). He is one of the few people to see the original 10 minute cut of True.
WTF – I *love* TRUE. The pace of the 10 minute short movie is amazing; I love every single frame, every single cut, every single word. And now it got turned into a “condensed” episode (3 minutes shorter)? Hell, it’s like watching the original version on fast forward. I mean, some of the best voice over lines were cut (“vanilla”) and the whole thing… sucks?! 🙁
I really hope that full version is made available someday.
Jose recently got a tattoo of Natalie done on his arm. I’m sure that’ll go down great with future girlfriends.
And finally, a couple pieces of fanart that just missed the Valentines update.
Willgras sent in this wallpaper.
While Bombus sent in this wonderful Klimt inspired wallpaper.
Cheers for now