why is there tape on your nose?


Here are the results of the last poll.

What do you feel about Natalie being in Wes Anderson’s new film, The Darjeeling Limited?

I have no idea who Wes Anderson is. 54.69% (373 votes)

Love Wes’ films. I can’t wait. 32.11% (219 votes)

I don’t like Wes’ films but look forward to it because of Nat. 7.04% (48 votes)

Love Wes’ films but I don’t think it’ll be a good match. 3.96% (27 votes)

I don’t like Wes’ films and have no interest. 1.76% (12 votes)

I would highly recommend that those of you who are unfamiliar with his films, check them out. His offbeat brand of humour does take a bit of getting used to though. I remember getting Bottle Rocket after some friends absolutely RAVED about it. But when I saw it, I didn’t really get it. And then I saw Rushmore and didn’t really get that either. But when I caught Rushmore a second time, something clicked.

I watched Bottle Rocket again and it was like watching a completely different film. And when I saw The Royal Tennenbaums in cinemas it was love at first sight. There’s no guarantee that you’ll have that same “click” experience that I did but give it a shot. Good luck.

Out with the old and in with the new poll.

Finally, I’m looking for advertising to go with the Mathilda pages. The ads will not be here and will only be seen when you view the comic. If I can get some decent advertising then the comic will be free.

We’ve rejected a lot of offers in the past but now the shoe is on the other foot and I’m utterly clueless as to how to go about this. I went to doubleclick.com, the guys who handle the ads for IGN, and the site might as well have been in an alien language. If you’ve been down this road before and can help me out, please send me a mail.
