Nat must have bought an invisibility (yay oblivion) potion or something because things are still eerily quiet. Maybe Sanjiro and I should do something stupid. Something old school. We’ll see.
Anyway, here comes some Nat-Gael sightings. Hey, we’ve got to update with something.
Amidoll sent in a video of a Canadian television show reporting on celeb sightings in Canada. There is footage of Nat and Dustin while the presenter talks about Nat and Gael renting movies and having dinner together. It’s not really worth download unless you’re REALLY bored/desperate but you can get it here or here.
While Katie just mailed me this sighting.
Natalie Portman, along with Dustin Hoffman and Gael Garcia Bernal came to a screening of a documentary called Word Play which was playing at the Hot Docs Toronto International Documentary Festival. She went to see this movie along with a few others. As you probably know she is shooting a movie with Dustin Hoffman in the Toronto area.
How do I know they went there (you may ask)? I work for the festival?and they sat directly behind me in the back of the theatre and tried to be discreet. That is, until the director of the doc went up in front of the crowd and announced to everyone that Dustin Hoffman was there. They had to sneak out of the theatre before the lights came up at the end of the movie. She has since been spotted all over Toronto museums, coffee shops and couple of fast food place.
I swear she?s about the size of my pinky!
That could explain why no photographers can find her lately.
Alistair has some news about a magazine cover appearance.
I noted a magazine in the store called ‘Remix’ which has Nat on the cover. The magazine is sealed with a DVD/CD inside. Picture on the cover looked new, but I was not interested in the $16,00 price for a sealed magazine. Someone else might be more fanatical than I am. REMIX is a dance music, culture and lifestyle magazine.
Can anyone confirm if its new or not.
In lieu of NP.COMic, here’s a mean strip about Nat. I admit, I laughed. Thanks to Master Windu.
MarieMJS found some scans of old pics in the new Criativa magazine. Click here and here.
And now for a bunch of fanart.
Lets start with some more avatars from Irina.

Salome sent in some cool V banners. Please note that these aren’t the ones being worked on for the site.
And finally, the first batch of a ton of wallpapers that Tara sent me.
Tomorrow we’ll have a new poll and hopefully a lot more to go with it.