not so fast


I asked for some news but this isn’t what I was hoping for. It seems the Paris Je T’aime is having some legal problems. This is what Aske just sent me.

I don’t know if you know this, but it seems that Paris je t’aime might be ruled out of Cannes.

In the major danish newspaper Politiken (26/4 2006 2. section p. 3 (also on – there is a small picture and the Headline “Boe kan blokere åbningsfilm i Cannes”)), there is an article (written by Hans Jørgen Møller) about Paris je t’aime being subject to a legal fight between producers Emmanuel Benbihy and producer Claudie Ossard. Apparently Ossard is trying to cut out contributions from danish director Christoffer Boe and french-isreali director Rafaël Nadjari. Benhiby – who originally planned the film – is ready to go to the courts to stop the movie if the contributuions are not included. One of the reasons is that the movie is about all 20 arondissements in Paris. Obviously only 18 are represented if Ossard has it his way.

It is doubtful if a solution ban be found before the opening of Cannes. Also, it is doubtful if they are going to show the movie as long as it is a subject of controversy.

Hopefully this can be resolved soon.