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Hi again

My apologies for the site being so slow. You’re all grabbing that rap clip (Is anyone having problems playing it? Let me know in the comments) like crazy, so the site is really stretched. Hopefully it’ll ease off by tomorrow, otherwise we might have to take it down for a bit.
(Kris here: If that HDTV version was a bit too much to handle, here’s a smaller one)

What you could do is rather get the whole show by using this torrent.

Moving along…

So I was contacted by Warner Bros publicity and they offered to sponsor a few V for Vendetta prizes. I was given free reign to come up with a competition. A friend suggested people should dress up like V and take pics of themselves in front of national monuments and buildings…but that coulda gone really…dark. I also had this masochistic idea of girls shaving their heads. But eventually I settled on an essay. It seemed to me that V is mostly interested in creating a debate. So that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

I want an answer to the following.

What would a government have to do for YOU to see violence as a solution to the problem? Is violence ever justifiable?

Some rules…

1) In the subject of the email you must have “V Essay”.
2) The essay must not exceed 1000 words (I have to read all of them, have mercy).
3) Include your name and postal address so we can send you the prize.
4) Competition closes on Saturday.

That’s it. Good luck.

Here’s what we have to give away.

1st Prize – a V mask
2nd Prize – a V women’s tee
3rd+4th Prize – a V poster

I will be picking the best 10 entries and then doing a draw to determine the winners.

I have another poster that I’m going to give to the person who wins the V banner competition. Speaking of which, I have received a TON of wonderful banners. Later this week I’ll be putting up the few that I consider to be the best and then you guys will decide the winner.

So I thought that was pretty cool until Amo sent me this link. Sorta shows how far down the food chain we are.

Alrighty then…oh wait, I promised a new poll.

First, here are the results of the last poll.

What do you think of Domino One?

Any Nat appearance is a good Nat appearance 41.74% (149 votes)

I don’t 28.85% (103 votes)

Intruiged 19.05% (68 votes)

Sounds great 5.6% (20 votes)

Steve Guttenberg is god 3.36% (12 votes)

And here is the new poll. My apologies in advance. I couldn’t help myself.
