This update is going to be in two parts. The first part is going to be any news and fanart etc. And then later today I’ll be posting a truckload of new old pics.
Here are the results of the last poll.
Rate the new V poster.
3 – Interesting 39.69% (279 votes)
4 – Very good 30.44% (214 votes)
5 – Perfection 15.22% (107 votes)
2 – Boring 7.68% (54 votes)
1 – Awful 6.26% (44 votes)
And here is the new poll.
Meela found an old clip of Nat talking about school. I can’t get the link to work cos it tells me I need media player version 7.1 or higher. I have version 10 so its being an ass. Hopefully you’ll have more luck.
Zach Braff finalled updated his blog and put up a cute clip of him with a Padme doll modified to look like Sam, her character from Garden State. Thanks to Loleia and Jen.

Herzwerk also wanted me to let french fans know that Free Zone opened in France last week. It’s only on 85 screens though.
And now for the fanart.
Fanatik sent in another batch of cool wallpapers.
Love this pic. She even looks tall.
And the prolific Shassy is back with a batch of her own.
Alright, I’ll see you later.