Unfortunately for you, I’m back.
Thanks to Sanjiro for once again steering the ship (into the rocks) for Nat’s birthday. And thanks to all of you who contributed. I’d just like to clear up the rumour that Portmania was just a diverion while Sanjiro stole from your houses. It couldn’t be more false and slanderous. Sanjiro’s ferrari wasn’t bought with stolen money, it simply fell from the sky one morning.
Got it?
Right, so tomorrow I’ll be back in normal news updating mode but for now just a few things.
1) My email address has changed. Click my name at the bottom of the update for my new one.
2) Does the poll work for you guys? Cos its not working for me.
3) Many moons ago, Natalie did an album. Natalie and her “crew” were called the World Patrol Kids and the album was called Earth Tunes.
Click the album cover to listen to some clips.

Thanks to Pandy for the link.
Now, I got sent this email a few days back.
I found this crazy video here the other day. It’s an educational video about the environment that they should us at elementary school.
It’s from the early to mid 90’s and features Natalie as one of the
singer/dancer/environmental educators. It’s definitely her in it.It’s VHS and in good condition.
If you’re interested in it I’d be willing to sell.
Now, I’m obviously hoping that a) one of you would want that video and b) that person would be able to encode the Nat stuff so everyone can be educated by little Nat. If you think you can help let me know.
That’s it for now.