full update


Feeling back on my game today so let’s get to it.

A couple of site things first. I mentioned that the photoshop contest would be going on a break while I worked on something else. That something else is going to be another best picture poll. If you remember the magazine poll, it was epic and lasted several months. This time out I want to do public appearances but I need your help deciding something. Should we be voting for the best individual pic or the best appearance/series of pictures. I’m thinking the latter might be best just because there are tons of pictures from every appearance…which would make things quite hard. But if you guys want the individual picture thing, we’ll have to see what can be done.

In case you hadn’t guessed it, it’s time for a new poll.

Here are the results of our last poll:

What do you think of the W Magazine shoot?

She’s getting sexier and sexier. 46.94% (406 votes)

Too arty for my tastes. 21.39% (185 votes)

I’ll reserve judgement till I see the full scans. 11.45% (99 votes)

Her best yet. 11.33% (98 votes)

She’s getting sluttier and sluttier. 8.21% (71 votes)

Personally, I don’t think she’s ever looked better. Hopefully someone will send in scans soon.

The next site note is about the NP.comic. Unfortunately I’m still looking for the right person to work with me on it. I’ve had quite a few people show interest but there’s always something wrong. Their work isn’t quite right for it, they don’t have enough time, language barrier problems etc etc.

So, I just wanted to let people know what’s going on and that the position is still very much open. But, as I’ve said before, I won’t go ahead with a new strip unless it’s as good or better than the one with Nate.

Ok, news and stuff…

The IMDB have added Becoming Jane as an upcoming Nat film. But I haven’t seen any evidence that this is true. There was a rumour awhile back (as you can see by it being listed on our Rumoured Projects Page) but I think the IMDB are wrong on this one. And, really, Anne Hathaway to play the young Jane? They look the same freaking age!

Tim sent in this nice tidbit. It’s an article about normal people who discovered stars and here’s the nat bit…

Andrew Barrett: “I cast 11-year old Natalie Herschlag in an Off-Broadway showcase of a dreadful musical called Choices. We all loved her so much that we gave her a featured tap solo, which became one of the better parts of the evening. Shortly after this, she changed her name to Natalie Portman.”

Sonoyta found 3 new ROTS pics. Just a few more weeks now…

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3

Jose sent in scans from the Gatopardo article on Nat. If you can understand Spanish, enjoy.

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Time for some fanart.

Max sent in this W Mag edit.

And Isabella sent in a couple W wallpapers. Click here and here.

While Wepeel sent in this cool wallpaper.

And finally, Barry sent in these 3 wallpapers.


That’s about all for now…