This is for Sanjiro:
It’s been a long road but the first finalist for the Battle of the Nat pics is now in place. To decide who meets her in the final…
Now for today’s Nat news.
Apparently she unexpectedly appeared on Good Day Live (what’s with all these american shows about time? Daily Show…Tonight Show…Today Show…Good Morning America…Good Day Live…seriously, what’s the deal?) and while we don’t have a clip (yet?) we do have a screen cap. Thanks to Cage Factor.
There is a new review over on AICN. It’s quite indifferent but give it a look if you must.
Christina sent in this link to some pics from the Garden State after party. It’s been such a hectic week that I can’t recall if we got any from this set yet. Bah, too lazy too check. If they’re not new, “whoops”.
Amy sent me a great link about how to look like Natalie. You may laugh at that but I followed the advice and…well…I took this pic 15 minutes ago. You be the judge.
The IMDB is saluting Hollywood Brunettes…but you’d think they were saluting something else by the pic they chose to use. Thanks to Mark.
And finally, for those of you who follow the English Soccer/Football Premier League, feel free to join this season’s Fantasy Football League. After you’ve signed up use this code (110972-20437) to join the league I set up.
Check back tomorrow for The Daily Show clip and some fanart and whatever else gets thrown our way.