This is going to be short and sweet (ok, just short) as I’ve got to finish up some xmas stuff.
Kathleen caught a VH1 special on Cold Mountain in which Natalie talks about filming in Romania. She was sporting her new haircut. Maybe someone can encode or cap it for us?
Nat-AH-lee has this interesting little blurb:
on sunday on Jack osbournes Union jack tv show his friend Mike went to a cold mountain premiere and asked jude law is he got to make out with natalie portman…..Jude said no….but mind you when asked if he got to make out with nicole…he said no too…..it don’t make sense surely they kiss in the movie if the have a sex scene?
Stephen sent in some cool cap collages. This is the Conan O Brien one (btw, swing by the gallery, thanks to Aleph we have a ton of good quality caps added). And this is the Daily Show one.
Kim sent in some new old SW pics. She says we don’t have them and I’ll have to take her word for it cos looking through the Star Wars galleries takes an age.
Ekyillia sent in some proper sized pics from the Mercedes Benz Fashion thingie. Check them out here.
And finally, Ekyillia also sent in some caps of Nat in Cold Mountain. Click the pic to go to the gallery to see the rest of the caps to make your life complete so you can die in peace.