

For those of you not currently huddling in a bunker on the East Coast of the US, welcome to another hurricane-free update.

The IMDB has a bit of good and bad news today. Gwen noticed that The Smoker and Closer have been added to Natalie’s page, but they also carry news that Cate Blanchett has had to pull out of Closer because she’s pregnant. It’s a blow but hopefully they can get a good replacement…I’m thinking Kate Winslet.

Thanks to Meann and Paolo D. of Star Wars Philippines for the following Kamiseta pics:
And another
And this is from a Kamiseta store window

And now for some more killer fanart.

Lala sent in ANOTHER great drawing. What the hell is going on? It’s like everyone is trying to outdo each other…not that I’m complaining.

Jusepe sent in a great wallpaper, it’s from yesterday’s wonderful drawing from Matt.
